Wednesday, July 16, 2014

New Book out Aug 6th...


Part I:

Chapter One

Jake Stone

Jake sat straight-up in his bed. His primitive side of his brain was yelling at him to run. Shaking his head he realizing, it was the same nightmare again so he stopped himself from jumping up . With sweat rolling down his face, Jake looked around in a sleepy daze for his wife Sue. He then remembered with a sad sigh, that she was gone, too.
Jake tried to make everything better after quitting the CIA, but it was beginning to look like the damage ran too deep in his marriage. Sue told him, she needed some time to think. She said, she would think about trying again, and they were kind of doing that, if you call living away from her in this flea bitten dump. But something was different with her. And, he felt maybe he had already lost her; maybe there was someone else; as much as she denied it. Jake wasn't so sure. He had feelings, intuitions, and he was  more right than he was wrong. That's why he had ran the Sensory Division at the CIA. Yea, that little ''red flag'' was flying high.. .
So, he rented this ''shit hole'' of an apartment, because he really thought, he would be back with Sue in a month,...But that was 6 months ago.
''Ah! Shit!'' he thought to himself,  rolling out of bed, he headed for the bathroom,  tripping on a chair, he hopped the rest of the way cussing.
Looking into the mirror, Jake saw a face, he could hardly recognize anymore: deep crow feet etched the corner of his eyes,  and the bags didn't help either. But, hell, he still had his strong jaw line, dark hair and blue eyes. All the good that did him now.. What he needed was sleep so he looked around for the bottle of Jack, he had last night.. He saw the tail end of the bottle under the corner of the bed.  Reaching for it, he had a "vision flash" that staggered him..These came like a neon bulb flash: small bits and pieces, flashing in and out.. Jake shook his head to clear it, and then, he heard what he saw in the flashing.
A scream coming from the alley below his window,  Damn, he knew he only had a few precious minutes to save her...the girl in his flash..his vision.
Jake ran out the door, and down the back stairs, leaping two to three stairs at a time.
Bursting through the door, he heard a scream again, turning to his right, he just made out  someone being dragged behind a dumpster.
A vision flash hit him again, and he fell off the stairs, landing in a puddle of milk shake -colored water. Jake only wished it tasted like a milk shake, because it tasted like ''shit''... "Flash Again" his “minds eye” saw a knife,  and he leaped up and ran to the dumpster..
Jake yelled, "Let her go"!!  A big bruiser with a bald head and tattoo's all over him stood up, and turned  in Jake's direction.. He just laughed and said,''OK, sissy boy . I'm I suppose to be scared of a little ''shit'' like you..Heck! Your  standing there in your wet underwear. Ha ha...''
Jake looked down at himself, and said,'' Shit! Here I am standing in my underwear, with a big wet shit spot on the front of my boxers trying to be a tough guy, this is going to work like "Cooking' Bacon in the Naked" .
''Well, just let her go, and I won't hurt you''...Baldy looked at Jake with an ugly sneer. and said,'' OK, tough guy, I'm going to let this ''whore'' go for now, because I'm going to tear your head off, and shit down your neck.'' And, he started for me.
What most people don't expect is "Attack" they expect a lot of talk, yelling, shoving, etc.., especially big guys, they expect all of the above, and with my 5'10" 175lbs  they expected begging..whimpering, crying.
He never expected what I did next.. I lunged at him, hammer striking him in the forehead, he stumbled back with a surprised look on his face and his eyes rolled up into his head , I came down pivoted into him grabbing his knife hand with my left hand and springing up with my right, Shattering his elbow.
He screamed and tried to hit me with his left, which I easily blocked and then I kicked his feet out from under him.
Crashing down,with his head bouncing off the pavement. So I just kicked him in the face putting him out cold.
The girl rose up from behind the dumpster and started  laughing at me but seeing the look in my eyes, she clammed up fast, only managing  to get out a thank you before I asked her if she was OK .
She shook her head “Yes” she was fine, Her eyes fell to Jakes boxers and he felt a redness spread across his face as he looked up at her , he started to laugh and she burst out laughing too..
Jake stammered Sorry for the way I’m dressed but I heard you screaming and I came running, plus I fell in that puddle of shit back there by the door, and she just laughed harder..
I had a heck of a time trying to look like hero standing there in my shit covered boxers and no shirt..
Finally she said  Thank you again and I can’t believe how easily  you put that ass hole down, Jake just shrugged  and said I got lucky, because he must of slipped or something.
Yea right, well anyway I owe you so maybe you’ll let me get you cleaned up and honestly I need to talk to you, I was thinking oh hell here we go a hooker wants to repay me for beating up her pimp. Ah I’m not so sure that would be a good idea I said. What you got a wife up there? My red flag started to fly high...”up there”?
How do you know “Up There”  oh silly, before that ape dragged me behind the dumpster I saw your light come on.. I thought yea right, but I was filthy and she looked like she needed some food, so I said OK, I’m on the second floor and if you need a place to crash I’ll make up the couch for you, Jake felt something just wasn’t right here, and as the saying goes..”keep your friends close and your enemies closer”.
So being the good Samaritan that I am, I figured I could find out why she wants to talk to me...
I’ll tell you what I really need she said and Jake looked at her with the thought..”Here it Comes”
“I need a shot of Jack with a couple of rocks and a splash of water”………. Jake looked at her shaking his head,  He thought “Goddamn it”  Here we go….

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